Terms and Conditions for Form Submission:

  • Mandatory Fields: Please note that all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled out in order to successfully submit the form.
  • Document Size Limit: The maximum size allowed for uploaded documents is 2 megabytes (2MB). Please ensure that your documents do not exceed this size limit.
  • Photo and Signature Size: The size of passport photos and signatures should not exceed 1 megabyte (1MB). Please make sure that your photo and signature files are within this size limit.
  • Accepted File Formats: The form accepts documents in the following formats: JPG, PDF, and PNG. Please ensure that all uploaded documents are in one of these formats.
  • Payment Confirmation: Your application will only be considered valid after a successful payment has been made. If the payment is unsuccessful after the form submission, you will need to fill out the form again.
  • Technical Support: If you encounter any technical issues while filling out the form, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you resolve any technical difficulties you may face.Contact :9101067088

Please review these terms and conditions carefully before submitting your form. By proceeding with the submission, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these terms and conditions.